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Driving value through innovation during COVID-19 and beyond

When we published our 2020 Technology Vision trends report in February, COVID-19 was not yet a global pandemic. Now, everything has changed. This pandemic is the greatest challenge the world has faced in decades, yet rather than slowing innovation, it is amplifying it to historic levels.

Continuous innovation: setting business apart in the post-digital era

Businesses will have to embed innovation in their DNA to future-proof their operations for the unparalleled pace of technological change in what we refer to in our Tech Vision 2020 as the post-digital era. In the past, businesses with a unique asset could enjoy a competitive advantage and sweat that asset for ten, twenty or even thirty years before their competitors caught on.

Tech trends that will transform the way we live and work

People’s love for technology has let businesses weave it, and themselves, into our lives, transforming how we work live and interact in this new world which we are referring to – in our Tech Vision 2020 – as the 'post-digital era'. But now we are being held back.


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