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Generating new business and thriving

COVID-19 changed the world as we know it, and along with it, customer expectations. Everything is evolving and those organisations that want to thrive, add value, and solve customers’ challenges, will need to have a hard look at their products and services to accommodate the shifts that are happening.

Retaining customers for the long term – three waves of retail...

New shopping habits brought on by the pandemic are creating both challenges and also huge opportunities for retailers to rethink their customer retention strategies.

Building an ecosystem of value for insurers

The insurance 'grudge purchase' can open a world of valuable personal engagement and revenue opportunities in a well-designed service ecosystem. As insurance products become more homogenous and industry competition intensifies, insurers need ways to differentiate themselves and stay relevant.

How secure are WhatsApp chat commerce payments?

Effective cross-generational communication with customers requires an excellent omnichannel strategy and chat is fast becoming the cornerstone for brands around the globe. But chat channels still carry a degree of security hesitancy that companies will need to overcome if they hope to reap the full rewards of chat commerce.

Big franchise brands are not better during the COVID-19 pandemic

The weaknesses inherent in franchised businesses and the health of relationships between franchisor and franchisees are being revealed as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds. Excessive reliance on retail infrastructure, insufficient investment in digitisation and poor delivery capability is severely impacting franchised networks. 

South Africa’s corporate travel forecast looking positive for 2020

With economic growth considered the main driver of corporate travel, emerging economies such as South Africa are increasingly adding to the international pool of business travellers. Predicting positive growth in 2020, analysts say there is good news for South African SMEs, whose bargaining power they see rising with the market’s size and spend.

Aviation industry: trends enabling better customer experiences

As digital transformation continues to evolve the business landscape, the market remains fiercely competitive for businesses and brands – especially when it comes to customer loyalty and retention. One industry where this rings especially true is aviation, where customers’ requirements for on-demand access to expert airline consultants must be met through a variety of channels when navigating their travel experience.

How will the move by Google impact Huawei?

Huawei is not listed, and the shares are owned by the employees. The move by Google is likely to have a negative effect on the company, and Huawei may lose some customers. That said, there may be a slight buffer of customer retention given the rollout of Huawei phones using its own operating system should the ban persist.


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