Tag: competitive edge
Professionalism demands continuous learning
Continuous learning is essential for professionals to stay relevant, adapt to changing demands and advance in their careers. Professionalism demands continuous learning may be a cliché, but the world of work is changing at an unprecedented pace. As the future unfolds, evolving workplace demands require even seasoned professionals to keep learning.
SME growth through digitalisation
In today’s digital age, data-driven insights have become the cornerstone of business success. These insights help businesses thrive. Understanding customer needs provides a greater competitive edge. Additionally, analysing financial data helps businesses plot their growth. This allows them to fulfill their full potential. The benefits of data in the business world are endless.
Corporate-startup collaboration drives innovation
Internationally, 75% of startups consider partnerships with corporates critically important to their success, with a further 63% anticipating that these relationships will gain even greater importance in the future. In South Africa, however, corporates’ support for entrepreneurs is lacking and must be urgently remedied by the country’s businesses.
Open banking for SMEs and financial management integration
Open banking and open finance are buzzwords in the financial sector that have been sparking curiosity. They are frameworks that allow authorised third-party providers (companies or services that offer financial products/services to consumers) to access financial data from banks and other institutions via secure application programming interfaces (APIs).
Why investing in employees’ health is a smart business move
At the heart of every successful organisation is a healthy, motivated workforce. In today's competitive job market, where talent retention, productivity and innovation are crucial, organisations must seek new ways to gain a competitive edge.
Why the #RightsOnFlights movement matters for business
There is a lot of buzz about passengers' rights and the accessibility of air travel – from which arm rail belongs to whom, to whether passengers should be allowed to bring service animals on board, to the better care of disabled people and their essential equipment. But one conversation in particular has taken hold. Alongside the RightsOnFlights hashtag.
BOOK REVIEW | The Everything War
From veteran Amazon reporter for The Wall Street Journal, The Everything War is the first untold, devastating exposé of Amazon's endless strategic greed, its pursuit of total domination, by any means necessary, and the growing efforts to stop it.
Evolving a workforce strategy – introducing the 6R model
In the contemporary business environment, characterised by rapid technological advancements, globalisation, and shifting workforce dynamics, organisations face unprecedented challenges in workforce planning and management. Traditional models, focused primarily on headcount, no longer suffice as companies navigate the complexities of digital transformation, remote work, and an increasingly diverse and dynamic workforce.
STUDY | How technology will make or break business in 2024
In an era of unprecedented uncertainty, the headwinds facing businesses are stronger than ever. Businesses find themselves navigating a complex landscape, where economic shifts and geopolitical challenges loom large on the horizon. In such turbulent times, the key question is not whether change will occur, but rather how effectively leaders can prepare for and adapt to it.
Refocusing CX in 2024 – key areas
In today’s rapidly evolving market, customer experience (CX) is a battleground for companies vying to secure a competitive edge. Globally, evidence of the unequivocal correlation between CX and a company’s financial performance is widely understood.