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Culture shift in the finance function

Digital technologies have not only altered the way in which financial services and operations are delivered, but also caused a culture shift in Finance. The role of finance executives and professionals has changed from bean counter, to information broker and more, causing people to relate in new ways according to their expanded roles.

Top 35-under-35 2020: meet the winners

The Top-35-under-35 competition was launched by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) in 2014 to recognise its young CA(SA) achievers. It has proven to be a huge success in recognising and promoting young CAs(SA) under the age of 35 who are not just achieving extraordinary results in their professional capacity, but also have a significant impact on society.

How will professional accountants remain relevant?

Future shifts in demands and activities are unavoidable for all professions. The future of the accounting profession as one that remains relevant and vital to the prosperity of the societies in which it operates, depends on its ability to focus on what is required to sustain its relevance in an evolving, changing, and technologically-dominated future.


South Africa’s current woes are in large part a result of a large-scale breakdown in ethics (both personal and professional) and good governance practices. One only needs to look at the goings-on at Steinhoff, KPMG, Eskom, SARS and VBS Bank to see the impact that unethical behaviour, large scale looting and unchecked business practices have had on the South African economy and on South Africans, whose confidence in the leadership of this country and those in business is at an all-time low.

SAICA accredits Historically Disadvantaged Institutions

SAICA along with strategic partners such as FASSET, Bankseta and the National Skills Fund have undertaken to build capacity with the ultimate goal of accrediting Historically Disadvantaged Institutions (HDIs) accounting programmes so that students at these institutions can study to become chartered accountants (CAs[SA]) without having to leave their provinces.

The Great Bank Heist – SAICA responds

SAICA's response to the VBS Mutual Bank report released by Advocate Terry Motau SC on 10 October 2018. The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) takes note of The Great Bank Heist, Advocate Terry Motau SC’s forensic report on the alleged fraud that took place at VBS Mutual Bank.

CA(SA) | Ethics education and expectations

Ethics is one of the three pervasive skills competency areas to be developed in all entry-level CAs(SA) that SAICA requires in its rigorous qualification process.

BOOK REVIEW | Figure That!

The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) has launched Figure That!, a book about the story of the Chartered Accountancy profession in South Africa. The launch of Figure That! comes at a time when the profession is under severe scrutiny.

The IAS and the CA(SA) of the future | Agile learning,...

The future Chartered Accountant [CA(SA)] will look a lot different from the CA(SA) of the past, according to Professor Gary Swartz, founder of the Institute of Accounting Science (IAS), but if numbers remain numbers, and formulas remain formulas, what must change for the evolution of the CA(SA)?

Tax morality and the CA(SA)

Globally, tax is making headlines with an increasing focus on tax avoidance or aggressive tax planning, to increase the revenue collection by governments. While specific anti-avoidance rules are already available, general anti-avoidance rules (GAARs) were adopted in South Africa and elsewhere, coupled with a greater focus on addressing base erosion and profit shifting.


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