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Tag: capitalism

BOOK REVIEW | The Dirty Secrets of the Rich and Powerful

In 2018, the world watched as 82 per cent of all wealth created was claimed by the top 1 per cent of the global population. The bottom 50 per cent of humanity saw no increase at all. While one new billionaire was created every two days, one in every four South Africans were living on less than R18 per day – not enough to buy a loaf of bread.

Companies integrate ESG in executive compensation

Corporate South Africa needs to explore the growing trend of linking executive compensation to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance, driven by the imperative of multi-stakeholder capitalism and heightened attention to sustainability issues.

BOOK REVIEW | Ethnographies of Power

Working with key concepts developed by Gillian Hart, this book argues for a critical ethnographic approach to advance social justice movements for a radically different world. It offers an invaluable toolkit for activists and scholars engaged in sharpening their critical concepts for social and environmental change.

Africa’s many faces of ‘freedom’

As African liberal minds assemble in the ‘Mother City’ to trade ideas on a variety of strategies for effective liberal governance on our continent, the old English adage says, when big minds assemble in one room, it is unlikely they will agree on anything, is appropriate.

The impact of big government on socioeconomic welfare

As with the bosomy among the fairer sex, big government inevitably stimulates public interest and invites frenetic courtship and unrelenting pursuit. The pursuers are usually rent-seekers, lobbyists and representatives of all sorts of sectional interests.

BOOK REVIEW | The Age of Menace

Billionaires, Boris Johnson, big tech monopolies, raging inequality, Russian oligarchs, cancel culture, superyachts, spaceships to Mars, Twitter wars, a potentially devastating global inflation crisis… These may seem like entirely disparate issues, but they are all connected.

BOOK REVIEW | The Inclusive Economy

There is one serious missing link at the centre of today’s capitalism. It is a disequilibrium between increased economic interconnectedness and increased isolation/exclusion. This unique challenge in the 21st century calls for a unique solution: Ubuntu.

How markets create tolerance and generosity

Capitalism has long been attacked with the argument that it leads to individualism, which is a social evil. It wasn’t a very clear or cogent argument but it was popular. I should note that conflating markets with 'capitalism' is erroneous.

Remove impediments to the spirit of enterprise to achieve economic growth

South Africa’s economy is in a mess, to say the very least, and all this is solely and exclusively the fault of policymakers. Everything has gone horribly wrong! Yet it is not all beyond redemption.

Embracing a fit for purpose economy

Statistics South Africa has published the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QFLS) for Q3 2021, showing how continued lockdown restrictions, load shedding, and the July riots impacted jobs in the country. The results show that the number of employed persons decreased by 660,000 in the third quarter of 2021 to 14.3 million.


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