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Tag: Capital Gains Tax (CGT)

Online trading regulations compliance

It was the late noughties that saw the most prominent emergence of digital tools, which in turn paved the way for a whole new generation of investment companies in the form of online trading platforms. Since then, spurred on by rapid innovation, emerging inventions like cryptocurrency and the speed of its mainstream adoption have put online trading into overdrive.

Estate plans and advice – financial doctors prescribe regular checks

When discussing the value of the financial profession, financial advisers are often compared to medical doctors and are sometimes even called ‘financial doctors’. The reason behind this is that financial advisers look after the financial challenges of clients in much the same way that doctors look after the health issues of patients. This is not a perfect analogy, but there are certainly some comparisons to be drawn.

SARS targets tax practitioners for clients’ tax debts

The Supreme Court of Appeal has backed Commissioner Kieswetter and issued a stern warning to all South Africans to refrain from assisting others in evading their tax obligations. Where you are caught, South African Revenue Service (SARS) will go after your personally. This is now settled law in South Africa and directors or companies, tax advisors, lawyers, accountants, or even payroll professionals can find themselves on the hook.

Foreign tax credits and rebates – taxpayer treat or trap?

In an exciting recent development, National Treasury published a set of draft Tax and Revenue Law Amendment Bills, together with accompanying Explanatory Memorandums thereto, for public comment. These draft bills contained a host of robust proposed changes to tighten certain loopholes and inconsistencies in South Africa’s tax laws.

The art of stock selling – key strategies and mistakes to...

Warren Buffet’s favourite holding period for a stock is “forever”, but even he acknowledges there are valid reasons for selling a stock. Deciding when to sell a stock is something both professional and retail investors grapple with. In fact, it’s accepted wisdom that it is psychologically easier to buy a stock than to sell one.

Why an estate plan & a financial plan need to co-exist

When we think about estate planning, we think of a plan outlining a tax-efficient way to deal with our assets when we pass away. Instead of viewing this as a ‘death plan’, try to think of it as a ‘life plan’ – a strategy created during your lifetime to ensure that your wishes are fulfilled, and that your loved ones benefit as intended after you pass away.

Pension funds & emigration – tax impact

Investing in an offshore retirement fund is one way of growing your wealth in a stable economy over the longer term, or even gaining residency in a foreign country. However, for South Africans, this scenario presents as many challenges as it does opportunities and should only be considered after consulting with a financial adviser and tax expert.

Are TFSA’s a waste of time?

South Africans should understand that if they have substantial sums of money deposited in either a bank or investment account, they will inevitably be required to pay taxes on the income or capital growth derived from it.

The downfall of crafty taxpayers who hide income and rely on...

All taxpayers should arrange their tax affairs to obtain the best advantage and to pay the least amount of tax. This is a right every taxpayer possesses, and well entrenched in South African and international tax law. However, this planning must be done within the constraints of what the law allows.

Accessing offshore equity and commodity markets safely

Structured products enable diversification into offshore markets while controlling risk. Any investor worth their salt understands the importance of diversification, particularly in a contemporary economic environment characterised by such volatility and uncertainty.


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