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Tag: Anna Collard

AI risks for children – balancing benefits and challenges

Artificial intelligence (AI) risks for children encompass privacy concerns, over-trust, misinformation and psychological effects, highlighting the need for careful oversight. It is challenging to maximise AI’s benefits for children’s education and growth while ensuring their privacy, healthy development and well-being.

Red flags to spot social media job scams

As social media becomes more intertwined with our daily routines, sly cybercriminals are using it to trick people with fake job offers. What are these social-media recruitment scams, and how can you spot the red flags? With over 32% of South Africans struggling to find jobs, it is no wonder that scams targeting job seekers are becoming more common.

How to stay safe while working with freelancers

Slipping security into the freelance zeitgeist so company and gig workers alike are protected. The gig economy made up of freelance and project workers dipping their toes in and out of different companies and experiences is not a new concept, but it is definitely a thriving one.

2020 cybersecurity predictions

With data breaches hitting headlines daily, security professionals are constantly concerned about the next big threat. Whether it’s ransomware, phishing or endpoint attacks, there’s always something on the horizon waiting for its turn in the spotlight.


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