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Internal security threats – exposing the enemy within

Organisations are facing a surge in internal security threats. A startling 76% of organisations have detected increased insider threat activity over the past five years. Yet, less than 30% believe they have the right tools to handle these threats effectively.

From Here to the Great Unknown

Born to an American myth and raised in the wilds of Graceland, Lisa Marie Presley shares her story. And now for the first time, she reveals her life in this raw and riveting memoir. It is a one-of-a-kind account faithfully completed by her daughter, Riley Keough.

BOOK REVIEW | Prescription: Ice Cream

In 2018, Alastair McAlpine, a palliative paediatrician in Cape Town, decided to share some inspiring thoughts from the children in his care. He posted: "I asked some of my terminal paediatric palliative care patients what they had enjoyed in life, and what gave it meaning. Kids can be so wise, y’know. Here are some of the responses". Their simple yet profound answers went viral, found their way into homes across the world and touched the hearts of millions.

BOOK REVIEW | The Attention Fix

Are you increasingly distracted, demotivated and unable to focus on simple tasks? There's a good chance your smartphone is to blame. In the always-on age of notifications, emails and the news cycle, it's easy to waste the majority of our days mindlessly scrolling.

Don’t empower the capitalist – a blueprint for escaping wage slavery

According to the latest Quarterly Labour Force Survey, just over 40 million South Africans were of working age (15-64 years old) in the first quarter of 2022. Of these, 14,914,000 had a job. This means that almost 15 million adults in this country were wage slaves; people who have no choice but to give up what they produce to someone ese just to survive.


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