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Tag: water infrastructure

South Africa is between decline and renewal

How to get rich in the 21st century details how India’s prime minister wants his country to reach rich world status by 2047. His formula lies in incentivising homegrown industry, a diversified services base, and a relentless focus on what’s good for the economy.

Water – the emerging precious resource

Wenn du mich siehst, dann weine - “If you see me, then weep”. This is a startling message to stumble upon, carved into one of numerous 'hunger stones' in various European rivers. The hunger stones were medieval traditions indicating when a river's levels have dropped so low that famine will follow.

Water scarcity is a growing risk for companies

Sustainability has become a major investment focus. News headlines frequently point to how investors are sidestepping old energy sources such as coal, favouring greener and more sustainable alternatives. According to the US Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment (US SIF), the size of the US sustainable investment since 1995 has increased more than 25-fold, today totalling portfolios worth $16.6 trillion.

Water solutions to aid the most vulnerable

The COVID-19 pandemic has starkly illustrated how multiple water security risks affect the lives and livelihoods of millions of people across Africa, Kenya included. The pandemic has compounded the severity of the impacts resulting from water-related climate hazards, such as floods, droughts and cyclones. 


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