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Tag: Walter Bhengu

Incentivising integrity boosts governance and accountability

Collaboration between government and business is vital to realising economic growth. Government should set up a conducive environment for businesses to operate while businesses ensure that they help grow the economy and employ citizens. This partnership must ensure that socio-economic goals are also met for the benefit of citizens.

New Companies Act requirements

During Parliamentary debates on amendments to the Companies Act in 2023, it was noted that the biggest opposition to the amendments related to the disclosure of remuneration. With the President signing the Companies Amendment Act on the 26th of July 2024, debates on the new remuneration requirements will resurface.

Directors’ role as the cornerstone of the governance ecosystem

The governance ecosystem is touted to give accountability, transparency, fairness and responsibility as the pillars on which corporate governance is built to all stakeholders and sanction or root out perverse conduct in an appropriate and balanced manner. This should keep the equilibrium of all stakeholders’ rights and obligations in check.


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How to Know If You Have ADHD

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Is ADHD Overdiagnosed?

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What Is ADHD Paralysis?

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