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ISO 14001 certification – building sustainability through EMS

ISO 14001, an internationally recognised Environmental Management System (EMS), provides businesses with a structured framework to manage environmental impact. It helps organisations pursue sustainability and operational excellence effectively.

Building public trust through tax reporting

More South African companies need to focus on building public trust by enhancing tax transparency reporting to unlock greater value. Today, businesses face unprecedented scrutiny from the public and stakeholders, creating pressure on leaders to remain accountable and foster trust.

Green steel production – paving the way for a carbon-neutral future

Steel is one of the most commonly manufactured materials in the world, because it has such a wide variety of uses – steel is everywhere, from construction to vehicles, home goods to robotics. Steel production is also hugely carbon intensive, representing a significant proportion of global man-made carbon emissions. In the universal quest for Net Zero and carbon neutral, green steel production is critical.

The impact of minimum wage increases

We are acutely aware of the challenges posed by recent minimum wage increases mandated by the South African government. While the intention behind these increases is to improve the livelihoods of minimum wage earners, the reality is that they often create a complex web of consequences, particularly in industries like contract cleaning.

Construction industry trends and innovations

A wave of technology and process innovation is sweeping the construction industry. The options and pace of change can be overwhelming, so it’s important to stay focused on the goal of all innovation – to improve efficiency, productivity and safety, for the industry and society at large.

A legal perspective on South Africa’s energy future

As South Africa’s energy sector continues to evolve, understanding the changes in regulations, contracts, and market dynamics is crucial. The restructuring of South Africa’s regulatory framework, especially within the energy sector is critical given the present crisis the country is in. Unbundling, where different parts of the energy sector are separated, amounts to far more than just paperwork.

What does a new laptop cost the environment?

When you hear the word ‘carbon emissions’, images of towering chimneys at coal-fired plants, endless motor vehicles on the highway, and large-scale manufacturing facilities may come to mind. But have you ever considered the environmental impact of your company laptop? Research shows that 3.7% of carbon emissions, also known as global greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), are caused by digital technologies.

Want to unlock more value? Focus on true costs

For many business leaders, the heat is on. They face inflation, supply chain disruption, labour shortages, and pricing pressures. Protecting margins while meeting customer needs and navigating economic uncertainty is crucial. However, many lack transparency and granularity in actual cost structures.

Reinventing the workforce in the age of Generative AI

Generative AI (Gen AI) has burst onto the scene. It appeared fast and is evolving even faster. It’s impact on value chains will fundamentally transform the nature of work, reshaping how businesses deliver value and better experiences for employees and customers.

Insurance sector to act as catalyst for the hydrogen market

As the global energy landscape undergoes a transformative shift, hydrogen emerges as a compelling substitute for traditional fossil fuels, poised to play a pivotal role in the evolving energy transition. With the energy transition market valued at US$183 billion in 2022 and anticipated to surge to US$317 billion by 2032, hydrogen stands out as a key player in this dynamic evolution.


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