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Tag: The Institute of Directors in Southern Africa (IoDSA)

City of Johannesburg’s recent actions undermine good governance

Just days after Mpho Phalaatse was removed as Johannesburg’s mayor, a letter to all municipal entities surfaced on social media, in which the Acting City Manager of Johannesburg instructs the boards of municipal entities to cease holding any “strategic sessions, including the [sic] Board and Sub-Committee meetings” until further notice.

Comair incident demonstrates the importance of corporate governance

Comair returned to the headlines by advising on 1 June that it was voluntarily suspending its flights until the funding necessary to resume operations had been secured. What has got customers hot under the collar, though, is that it had advertised a one-day sale on the previous day (31 May).

Appointing Lamola as SAA Executive Chair and CEO is not aligned...

The news that John Lamola will assume the roles of both Executive Chair and CEO of South African Airways (SAA) suggests that the state has not learned the lessons of the past few years regarding the importance of good governance.

Non-Executive Directors’ Fees Guide – 6th Edition 2019

Non-executive directors (NEDs) are responsible for making critical strategic decisions and for overseeing the management of a company without the benefit of observing the business on a full-time basis. This requires particular skills, knowledge, experience and business judgement, for which they need to be fairly remunerated.

SOE board appointments – who and how matters!

Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng, during his address at The Directors Event in Sandton, highlighted the issue of board and other leadership appointments in the public sector.

Responding to heightened scrutiny – key focus areas for governing bodies

Governing bodies, and the role they play, are under the spotlight like never before. How should members of governing bodies ensure that they are covering all the bases?

Attendance at board meetings – a critical director’s responsibility

Recent news reports relating to the withdrawal of a non-executive director up for re-election due to his non-attendance at meetings for four years by Purple, a JSE-listed company, highlight one critical area of a director’s responsibility: the necessity to attend board meetings.


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