Tag: team building
Achieving efficiency through outsourced skills development
Skills development and resource efficiency go hand-in-hand toward achieving business success. The aim is to provide all workers with the opportunity for personal career growth by ensuring they’re up to date on the latest industry developments as well as how to use the newest technology.
BOOK REVIEW | The People Excellence Star
Ongoing disruptive innovation has become the key competitive edge in staying ahead of the game in the inimitable, compelling, memorable experience-based economy. The 21st century organisation will be an ideas/imagination business.
eLearning trends that can help businesses succeed in 2021
Thanks to the global pandemic and savvy, forward-thinking key-decision makers, many businesses have embraced e-learning to ensure they remain competitive. The global consultancy firm McKinsey observed that business learnings were one of the most affected activities when lockdown was implemented, as almost 100% of in-person programmes were cancelled or postponed as a measure to curb the spread of COVID-19.
COVID-19: What does the new normal look like?
When planning around COVID-19 was first catapulted into the boardroom of organisations, there was tremendous readiness by most tech companies to adopt this new way of work. For the most part, teams were well equipped with the relevant mobile infrastructure such as laptops, personal smart phones, data/home internet to enable teams to continue working with limited disruption.
COVID-19: Is anyone going back to the office?
Yes. Now we know that working from home works, many employees will want to keep doing it when the coronavirus crisis fades. Many employers won’t mind because they have already invested in the costs associated with remote working such as cloud set-ups and connectivity and have had some proof that the concept works.