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Tag: tax season

Staying in SARS’ good books on business trips

Tax season inevitably means digging out all those airline boarding passes, fuel slips and receipts from your travels over the past year. As a frequent business traveller, you've likely accumulated quite the collection in hopes of a decent refund on allowable expenses. However, the taxman wants more than a shoebox stuffed with crumpled receipts.

Hawks and SARS on the hunt – VDP your tax redemption

The fiscal pressures on South African Revenue Service's (SARS) tax collection appear to have now compelled SARS to actively initiate the arrest and prosecution of taxpayers who do not accurately declare their taxable income. For long time, it has been warned that SARS possesses third-party information from banks, financial institutions, estate agents, car dealerships etc., enabling them to identify those who are not declaring their income correctly.

SARS aggressively collecting outstanding tax via third-party appointments

The 2022 Tax Season has started and taxpayers need to be cognisant of their tax compliance and if any outstanding debt is owed to the South African Revenue Service (SARS). As a practice, we are seeing SARS continue to aggressively follow collection steps against taxpayers with outstanding tax debt.

Should you get a loan to pay your sars obligations this...

For most South African SMEs already contending with a contracting economy, the additional shocks from COVID-19 have placed further pressure on their operations. For some, this may not be a bridge too far as analysts at Sasfin are predicting that around 60% of SMEs may close before the crisis is over.

Be cyber vigilant during tax season

The South African tax season for non-provisional individuals kicks off next month. With the South African Revenue Service (SARS) pushing for the use of its online eFiling service, we are cautioning people to be on the look out for an increase in tax scams.

Adoption of cloud accounting a wise move for small businesses

Small business owners who want to keep abreast of technological disruptions should make the move to cloud accounting. Not only will they save money and office space, they will be able to turn spare moments into productive minutes. Cloud accounting is ideal for small businesses, because it allows business owners to work from anywhere, at any time, as long as they have an internet connection.


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