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Building public trust through tax reporting

More South African companies need to focus on building public trust by enhancing tax transparency reporting to unlock greater value. Today, businesses face unprecedented scrutiny from the public and stakeholders, creating pressure on leaders to remain accountable and foster trust.

Green steel production – paving the way for a carbon-neutral future

Steel is one of the most commonly manufactured materials in the world, because it has such a wide variety of uses – steel is everywhere, from construction to vehicles, home goods to robotics. Steel production is also hugely carbon intensive, representing a significant proportion of global man-made carbon emissions. In the universal quest for Net Zero and carbon neutral, green steel production is critical.

Skills development initiatives for SED

In South Africa, businesses are required to contribute to the social and economic development (SED) by the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Act of 2003. This legislation stipulates the assessment of SED performance through a scorecard covering enterprise development, skills training, job creation, socio-economic projects, and preferential procurement.

Two-Pot retirement system – withdrawal FAQs

From 1 September 2024 South Africans with retirement funds have the option to participate in South Africa’s two component retirement system. Qualifying consumers with tax directives will be able to access approximately R100 billion in retirement savings.

Budget 2024 – navigating uncertainty in challenging times

Minister of Finance Enoch Godongwana will deliver the 2024 Budget Review to Parliament next week as the South African economy faces a gloomy economic outlook. The economy is still recovering from the impact of COVID-19 and state capture.

Harnessing solar – a complete guide to renting vs buying

As load shedding persists and solar gains popularity in South Africa, households are left with the decision of either buying or renting a solution. Solar solutions have taken centre stage in South African homes. The quest for an “always on” lifestyle has propelled consumers into a crucial crossroads: should you rent or buy your solar system?

How wildlife vets play a vital role in advancing conservation

South Africa has to ramp up its conservation efforts, including in the protection of threatened and endangered species, in order to meet its international commitments by 2030 as a signatory to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Acknowledging the urgency of taking action in this regard, the South African government recently rolled out a ground breaking tax incentive for the conservation of threatened species.

Tax credit for individuals for solar panels brought into use

The draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill, which was issued on 31 July 2023, proposes the introduction of a new rooftop solar energy tax incentive for individuals in an effort to encourage South African households to invest in electricity generation capacity, and by so doing, reduce pressure on the electricity grid.

Do research before moving off the grid with solar

Load shedding remains a thorn in the side of all South Africans and the country’s government, and it’s no surprise that more people are considering the move to solar as a renewable alternative energy source. However, the market is fraught with danger for the unsuspecting and desperate homeowner and consumers need to inform themselves and proceed with caution.

The Rands and sense of learnerships

Learnerships are an essential resource to future-proof your business. Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) is only effective in meeting its goals if the transformative ethos of the legislation is embraced. If B-BBEE is approached with a begrudging compliance mindset, merely ticking boxes, it will fail.


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