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Tag: Synthesis Software Technology

Artificial Intelligence, freedom of expression and the press

A free press or media has an important role to play in democracies as it is responsible for gathering and distributing the information that citizens use to decide how they are going to vote. They then have the further responsibility to monitor and hold those in power accountable.

Technology insights for 2021

Based on our 2020 experience, new year predictions may seem like a game of make-believe. But predictions are one thing, trends are another. We share technology insights into 2021 based on emerging trends. COVID-19 shocked all businesses last year. However, enterprises are becoming used to the new normal and digitisation should return to previous levels of growth in 2021.

The Devil in the Detail

The photo of Julius Malema outside a Click’s store, Monday went viral for all the wrong reasons. Sporting a magnificent pair of Prada loafers, Malema joined the protest that had been called for by his party. It would unlikely have been the image that he would have chosen to represent the Eff’s image, given that it will set you back no less than R6,000, for both the left and right shoes.

Post-lockdown: steps for returning to the office

'Anything dead coming back to life hurts'. These words were written by Tony Morrison in her powerful book Beloved. The character was talking about a starkly different scenario, but I believe the principle stands true to our world today. We are very slowly entering a phase of coming back to life.

People-focused steps for adopting cloud at scale

Larry Bossidy, the former Chairman and CEO of Honeywell International Inc., captured what it takes to successfully execute strategy when he said, “Execution is the ability to mesh strategy with reality, align people with goals, and achieve the promised results.” He emphasised the critical role of people, as they are the enablers and implementors of strategy and this is true of a successful cloud enablement strategy.


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