Tag: societal norms
Dive into the captivating world of ownership, technology, and crypto as Maverick451, the book-publishing arm of Daily Maverick, introduces its latest publication, It’s Mine: How the Crypto Industry is Redefining Ownership, penned by the renowned author and blockchain authority Steven Sidley.
Women in leadership and the empowerment of employability
As we celebrate Women’s Month in South Africa, it is essential to reflect on the incredible women who have been trailblazers in breaking barriers and attaining leadership positions across various industries. Women have defied societal norms, shattered glass ceilings, and proven time and again that they are a force to be reckoned with.
Think before you ink – how your tattoos could affect your...
Discrimination based on one’s appearance is an ever-changing area of law that impacts employees and potential candidates worldwide. Subconscious appearance preferences that are founded on societal norms lead to employees and potential candidates being the subject of discrimination when they fail to meet certain, unilaterally imposed standards.