Tag: Small and Medium Enterprise (SME)
Getting the right type of business funding
Accessing the right funding and financing, at the right time, can mean the difference between starting up, staying open, or shutting down. The economy is facing a challenging business environment, with slow global growth, economic volatility, and ongoing power supply issues. This means that many businesses in South Africa are still trying to find their financial footing
Spotlight on SME recruitment trends in South Africa
SMEs play a crucial role in most economies, and South Africa is no exception. They are also important contributors to job creation and global economic development. According to the World Bank Group SMEs represent about 90% of businesses worldwide, while the International Finance Corporation revealed that roughly 50% to 60% of South Africa’s workforce finds employment within SMEs.
Is South Africa fighting a skills shortage or a jobs shortage?
A recent roundtable discussion we co-hosted with Microsoft sparked a debate whether SA’s unemployment challenges are truly about job availability rather than a mismatch in skills demand and supply.
Why debt financing is so important for the African business market
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the beating heart of Africa’s economies. According to the World Economic Forum, as engines of growth, SMEs are responsible for around 80% of the continent’s employment, ultimately helping to reduce poverty and income inequality, enabling the establishment of a new middle class and driving demand for new goods and services.
Reasons why ESG should matter to SMEs
Some Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) may believe that environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations do not apply in their businesses, particularly when compared to large and listed corporates. But this isn’t the case as implementing ESG, realistically, into an SME business comes with many benefits, including attracting funding opportunities.
BOOK REVIEW | Selling Products Online
So you’ve come up with a winning idea for a product to sell online. What now? How do you turn your idea into a successful e-commerce business? Selling Products Online is the book for you. Brought to you by Heavy Chef and PayFast, this guide gives you everything you need to start an e-commerce business in 10 practical steps.
The impact of private credit on African livelihoods
When we think about the impact that private credit and other forms of financing have on African companies, we tend to think about things like business growth and success. But the impact that private capital in particular has goes far beyond that.
How SMEs can maximise Black Friday for sustainable long-term growth
In recent years, South Africa has embraced the global phenomenon of Black Friday. While, for businesses in this country, it's tempting to focus solely on the immediate potential that this flurry of buying activity presents, small and medium enterprise (SME) should take a much longer-term view of Black Friday, understanding its real potential to underpin long-term growth.
Ensuring payroll security – strategies for SMEs
Cash flow management is a critical aspect of running a successful small or medium-sized business. For many South African businesses, ensuring that there is always enough money for payroll and salaries can be a daunting challenge.
Ransomware coming for small businesses
A recent research study by global data management providers Veaam among 1,200 IT leaders concluded that it was not a question of whether organisations would be targeted by cyberattacks, but how often. Most of the attacks were designed to extract ransomware from the companies, and most companies paid up, thanks to insurance covering just this eventuality.