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Tag: Skynamo

The power of human thought in an AI-driven era

We have all been there, right? Where it seems as though the algorithm knows us better than we know ourselves. Where all the answers are a ChatGPT away… or are they? In a world where in many realms it seems artificial is trending, could we be losing sight of the value of real AI- Actual Intelligence?

Foresight is 20/20 – technology is today’s crystal ball for businesses

The future is never set in stone, but it may be paved by technology. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently forecast that growth of the global economy will slow to 3.2% this year, down from 6.1% in 2021, and to an even lower 2.9% in 2023. This can be attributed to lasting effects of the pandemic, fallouts from the Ukraine-Russian conflict, skyrocketing inflation, and rising food and energy prices.

Ways to rebuild businesses and improve resilience for 2022

Businesses and consumers alike have had to weather several shocks over the past two years. In this article, I advise how businesses can make 2022 a year for rebuilding and taking advantage of new opportunities. During 2020, 42% of small businesses closed during lockdown, according to financier FinFind.

In the always on era, creativity is key to business success

Organisations need to be serious about creativity if they want to drive sustainable business success across global markets. It’s often forgotten that business is a creative pursuit. Every business, be it a technology giant such as Microsoft, or a tiny corner store serving one community, stems from a single idea.


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