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SA retail innovation reveals optimism

Sometimes, it takes an outsider to allow South Africans to recognise that SA retail innovation is positive in their own country.

Festive season counterfeit prevention – shop smart and stay safe

As the festive season approaches, the excitement of Christmas shopping is in the air. However, amidst the holiday rush, it is crucial to stay vigilant to avoid a nasty surprise of unexpectedly purchasing counterfeit products, which invariably flood the on and offline markets during this time.

Black Friday fraud prevention – protect your credit and transactions

With Black Friday around the corner – a time when credit and account cards are in heavy use – we are urging consumers to stay alert against the rise in fraudulent activities. The increase is the use of online platforms for shopping and managing bills, opens us up to more advanced types of fraudulent activity, so preventing and minimising the risk of financial fraud is important.

Black Friday sales preparation – navigating the retail rush

Black Friday is almost here, raising stress levels for everyone involved. Shoppers rush to find valuable deals. Retailers need to achieve sales targets to satisfy shareholders. To succeed this year, organisations must maximise their retail technology investments and offer real value and superior customer experiences.

Protecting your identity online

When engaging in online activities, one cannot ignore the inherent risks involved. Whether you’re accessing information, interacting with a company or buying a product or service, your data is being stored and then possibly shared with others.

Economic consequences of Black Friday and understanding consumer behaviour

The Black Friday sales frenzy can trigger our deepest emotional and cognitive responses and can lead us down a path of unnecessary spending. However, consumers can use insights from behavioural economics to empower them to make decisions that align with their individual financial goals.

In-store radio and audio solutions hit the right note

The impact of music on consumer behaviour is well-known with research showing that consumers shop for longer, spend more money and have an enhanced shopping experience if they’re exposed to music. Many local and international retail and restaurant brands are implementing bespoke in-store music and audio solutions to create a more fun, welcoming and brand-specific experience. There are reasons why in-store music makes sense.

Capturing the Generation Z opportunity?

Rachel Thompson | Insights Director | GfK South Africa | | | South Africa has a youthful population, with more than 66% of...


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