Tag: Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act (STSMA)
Do you have a leaky maintenance, repair and replacement plan?
Heavy rains and flooding in parts of South Africa have put sectional title complex maintenance in the spotlight. Leaks are currently making up half of her department’s case load. While an unexpected deluge may sometimes be to blame, in many cases, the problem is a leaky Sectional Title Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Plan (MRRP).
Sectional title schemes – maintenance remains a thorny issue
Ask any sectional title body corporate what keeps them awake at night, and the recurring issue of maintenance – and who’s responsible for it – is most likely the answer. The solutions are often far from straightforward. According to the Sectional Titles Act, the body corporate is responsible for the maintenance of the sectional title’s common property, which includes the outside of buildings, roofs, common gardens and parking bays, driveways, security systems, and shared amenities.