Tag: science technology engineering and maths (STEM)
Challenges and triumphs of women leaders in South Africa
In South Africa, women aspiring to leadership roles encounter a landscape shaped by historical inequalities and persistent socio-economic challenges. Women in leadership, particularly black women in South Africa, face a unique set of challenges deeply rooted in both historical and contemporary contexts.
Women in leadership roles in tech bring essential skills
When we think of technology and the ICT industry, the cliché often conjures an image of a male-dominated environment, focused solely on technical development. However, this outdated stereotype no longer reflects the reality of the industry.
Why the education sector is in dire need of more women...
Gender inequality is still rampant throughout society and in the workplace, it can take on many forms - disparity in promotions, unequal pay and less leadership roles. While this is often the case in big corporations and civil society, we should also be turning a lens towards the education sector, where gender inequality is even more pronounced.
Women’s empowerment begins by removing barriers to girls’ education
At the current rate of progress, the World Economic Forum says it will take 102 years to close the gender gap in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is therefore vital to ensure girls have equal opportunities not only in the workplace but in school to accelerate closing the gender gap.
AI needs to deal with gender bias – or it will...
The past year has seen artificial intelligence (AI) become a dinner-table topic of conversation around the world, thanks to bots such as ChatGPT, which dazzles users with its ability to compose lifelike text and even computer code. But what happens when AI makes wrong decisions?
Why inclusivity matters for engineering companies
Attracting, developing, and engaging a diverse pipeline of young talent is vital to the future of any organisation. This involves building a team with a wide spectrum of skills and professional backgrounds who can come up with more creative solutions to the everyday challenges faced in the workplace.
4IR is changing the face of mid-sized corporates
The 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) and the rate of technological change presents a unique challenge for CFOs who have the complex task of ensuring alignment between finance and the entire organisation on the road to digital transformation.
International Equal Pay Day – Women must be paid their worth
The gender pay gap is holding back African economies from unlocking their true potential. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in widespread job losses globally, disproportionately affecting women more than men. It is more urgent that ever to address the lack of gender equality on the African continent across all spheres of society.
Is SA education and skills development meeting the requirements of the...
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed structural weaknesses and widened inequalities across the world. Even before the pandemic, the rise of automation and innovative technologies were transforming the world of work, resulting in an urgent need for upskilling of talent.
The state of recruitment and remuneration in South Africa
With as many as 30.1 percent of South Africans being left without work due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was interesting to tap into the data to uncover the most needed and highest paying jobs, most searched-for terms on recruitment sites and how senior professionals can give back.