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Tag: Roelof van den Berg

Health, safety & profits – cornerstones of construction success

Workplace health and safety should never be a tick-box exercise in construction. When given the proper care and attention, health and safety practices keep workers safe, help projects stay within budget and timelines, and can have a substantial impact on companies’ bottom-lines.

Statistics prove infrastructure’s outsized returns for people & economies

Infrastructure has been named a top priority for South Africa over the next few years as we seek to bounce back from global economic shocks such as the pandemic and war in Ukraine and refocus attention on promoting socio-economic development. 

Navigating South African winters in the construction industry

Every year, as the mercury dips and we begin searching for our winter coats, the construction industry likewise starts to grapple with a myriad of cold weather challenges. Frigid winter weather directly impacts the efficiency of construction workers, increasing the potential for project delays, logistical hurdles, and numerous health and safety hazards.


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