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Tag: Rhys Evans

Alcohol and drug testing – some do’s and don’ts for employers

The law on intoxicating substances in the workplace is clear. The Occupational Health and Safety Act places a strict obligation on employers to ensure that they do not allow entry to the workplace if an individual is intoxicated, whether under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

COVID-19 compliance – where does alcohol fit in for businesses?

Since March 2020, South Africans have had to comply with various COVID-19 restrictions implemented by the government to contain the spread of the virus. To this end, businesses have dealt with limitations on capacity and their operational hours, while patrons must meet face mask and sanitisation requirements.

Cannabis misconceptions – CBD oil and THC

The legalisation of marijuana for personal consumption has created a lot of confusion and misunderstanding, particularly when it comes to use of the drug and workplace health and safety regulations. A proliferation of cannabis-related products has come onto the market since this legalisation, from oils to creams, pills and cannabis coffee.

Marijuana (dagga) – personal use now legal, but regulations required

The Constitutional Court announced today that dagga is now legal in South Africa for private use. However,  there are a number of concerns and questions around regulation and control that still need to be addressed to ensure the safety of both users and non-users.

Addressing workplace stress, substance abuse and mental illness

There are strong ties between stress, mental illness and substance abuse, with each of these influencing the other to some degree.


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