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Tag: retirement savings

COVID-19 impact on employee benefits and mental wellbeing

As South Africa braces itself to reach the peak in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, Government statistics have shown that the country could reach 400,000 infections by mid-July. While lockdown conditions may have been eased to level 3 for now, South Africa, and much of the world, is nowhere near the end of the pandemic, and the economic and health repercussions of COVID-19 are going to persist for months to come.

Offshore investing provides safety net against market volatility

Two months into President Cyril Ramaphosa’s new government for the next five years, South Africans have been made aware of the stark reality of a higher-than-anticipated contraction in the economy in the first quarter of 2019. While the JSE all share index rebounded in June, it comes off a miserable month of May.

Reassessing your financial plans following budget speech

The Finance Minister, Tito Mboweni, used the opportunity in the National Budget Speech to address the concerns raised by many South African citizens, corporates and international ratings agencies.

Tax impact on your retirement savings

Despite the tax benefits on retirement contributions and the tax free growth, the fact that pension income benefits are ultimately taxed has led people to question whether saving in a retirement fund really is better than making your own retirement savings arrangements with after-tax earnings.


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