Tag: retirement funding
Rules of thumb for young investors
An early start is at the heart of achieving sufficient financial resources for the lifestyle you desire for yourself and your family. It gives your investments more time to compound and grow. There are rules of thumb for younger investors who want to secure a strong financial future.
Debt, savings and retirement – the budget address we should be...
The National Budget Speech is here, and South Africans are ready to face the reality of increased costs across the board. Rising fuel prices, growing inflation, increased interest rates and the inevitable surge in food prices all seek to cripple household finances.
Rewarding tax benefits
Investing for retirement through a retirement annuity (RA) is an effective and rewarding way to save for retirement because of the unique benefits offered. The most significant benefit is the fact that you can enjoy unparalleled tax savings, which you can use to boost your retirement savings.
A preservation ‘revival’ will supercharge SA’s retirement outcomes
South Africa’s retirement outcomes will improve radically if all retirement funding contributions are kept invested when fund members change jobs. Other quick wins include increasing the minimum government pension; delaying the government retirement age beyond 60 years; and refocusing the industry from saving a lump sum at retirement to providing a sustainable income in retirement.
President Ramaphosa signs 3-year retirement fund lock-in into law
The President, on 15 January 2021, assented to the Taxation Laws Amendment Act No. 23 of 2020 (TLAA), which was subsequently promulgated on 20 January 2021. Despite the blow back last year on the proposed amendment to the withdrawal of retirement funding in SA based on emigration, this amendment has now been signed into law and will become effective on 1 March 2021.