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Tag: payslip

Per diem tax guidelines

Per diem tax guidelines – travel allowance compliance

A per diem (from the Latin for per day) is a daily stipend given to business travellers to cover food and incidental expenses while they’re on the road. It’s not, in fact, a perk to make up for the inconvenience of being away from home – or a little extra spending money to splurge on spoils and souvenirs.

Offers of employment – don’t take risks

Employers are reminded to avoid providing offers of employment if the relevant recruitment processes or details of a vacant post have not been finalised as a valid employment agreement may still be created and enforced through offer and acceptance.

The effect of AI on innovation in payroll

Innovation cycles are a key catalyst for growth and play a critical role in both entrepreneurship and economic development. The term ‘creative destruction’ was first coined in 1942 by economist Joseph Schumpeter. It refers to the dismantling of traditional business and economic models to pave the way for revolutionary technologies and innovative processes to improve the way things are done.

A day in the life of a payslip

Do your employees fully understand the processes behind payroll? Payroll, for many people, remains a mystery. The processes and calculations that sit behind the monthly amount that lands in the bank account are vague and complicated. Many employees find navigating the maze of benefits, healthcare and pension payments to be overwhelming and often don’t really understand why they’ve been paid more or less each month.


how to know if u have adhd

How to Know If You Have ADHD

is adhd overdiagnosed

Is ADHD Overdiagnosed?

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What Is ADHD Paralysis?

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