Tag: Paula-Ann Novotny
The digital tightrope walk for business & human rights
Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers unprecedented opportunities for growth and innovation but also presents significant challenges and risks, especially concerning human rights and corporate governance.
The impact of NEMLAA4 on SA’s environmental landscape
In the ever-evolving arena of environmental legislation, the National Environmental Management Amendment Act 2 of 2022 (NEMLAA4) emerges as a transformative force, poised to introduce a wholesale shift in South Africa’s environmental legislative landscape.
National Biodiversity Offset Guideline finally published
The National Biodiversity Offset Guideline (BOG) has been published. It specifically applies to applications for environmental authorisations but can be used by authorities making other decisions that may involve biodiversity offsetting.
ESG – BHR – unpacking the stages of the human rights...
Businesses are required to take ownership of, and commit to, respecting human rights in their organisations and throughout their entire value chain. They need to act on identifying, preventing, mitigating, and remediating negative human rights impacts that may result from their operations or their business relationships, by putting the necessary systems and controls in place.
ESG – Business and Human Rights – What does it mean...
Business and Human Rights (BHR) has become increasingly important due to the world's increased focus on Environment, Social and Governance (ESG). Human rights due diligence and human rights impact assessments are some of the key controls that guide corporate strategy and planning on BHR matters.