Tag: Patents Act
The current state of IP law – is it fit for...
South African intellectual property (IP) legislation includes the Trademarks Act, Patents Act, Designs Act, Copyright Act and Plant Breeder's Rights Act. Each piece of legislation dealing with the particular IP right concerned, but is it all fit for purpose?
COVID-19: patent infringements in public healthcare emergencies
Patented technology holds the key to many solutions that assist medical professionals daily in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. In this context, we look at several issues relating to enforcement of patents in the face of public health emergencies, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic.
The challenges for SMEs when using technology to drive innovation
The impact of digitisation on small and medium enterprises is significant. Savvy SMEs can turn this to a huge advantage as they can do things quickly and in a more agile manner than big businesses. However, challenges abound when trying to protect innovative products and processes.