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Tag: Onyi Nwaneri

The faded rainbow – 30 Years into South Africa’s democracy

Three decades into our constitutional democracy, the remnants of our dark past continue to lurk in the layered echelons of our unequal society. In commemoration of Freedom Day, we are reminded that though blood was shed and sacrifices were made to attain this freedom, not all South Africans are privy to its gains. Many South Africans are politically free yet economically poor.

New regulations in Social Development Grant Act applauded

The introduction of the new regulations in the Social Development Grant Act is commended and we stress the crucial role this will have in ensuring the lawful allocation of government funds. It can be emphasised that government needs to do more to hold citizens accountable for their own progress and own development.

Is South Africa fighting a skills shortage or a jobs shortage?

A recent roundtable discussion we co-hosted with Microsoft sparked a debate whether SA’s unemployment challenges are truly about job availability rather than a mismatch in skills demand and supply.

International Equal Pay Day – Women must be paid their worth

The gender pay gap is holding back African economies from unlocking their true potential. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in widespread job losses globally, disproportionately affecting women more than men. It is more urgent that ever to address the lack of gender equality on the African continent across all spheres of society.


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