Tag: online learning
Essential digital skills for future employability
Much has been written about the digital skills shortage. This is not a problem that will be solved overnight. As technology evolves, the demand for specific skills outpaces their availability. And as more people gain these sought-after competencies, there may be a temporary oversaturation of the market. Once parity is reached, new advancements shift the landscape again, and so the cycle continues.
The unexpected impact of digital nomad visa on local coders
With South Africa getting closer to rolling out a digital nomad visa, it is a mix of good news for the economy but also a cause for concern about how it might affect our local coders. Remote work is gaining popularity, allowing individuals to combine travelling the globe with maintaining full-time employment.
The skills needed to future-proof South Africa’s workers
Equipping and re-equipping professionals with the insights they need to stay relevant in their professions is no simple task. The rapid speed at which technology is advancing can be terrifying for many people, as just as they have become used to a certain way of doing things, they need to be retrained.
The role of blended learning in advancing the educational system
During the pandemic, many schools around the world were forced to shift from physical to virtual classrooms in a matter of a week. This quickly sparked debate among academics and industry leaders about the tenets of traditional learning versus that of online learning, at a time when education continuity was critical.
Digital efforts needed to close SA’s adult education gap
When we think about the human right to education, we often think about it as relating to children. We imagine children starting their school career at a young age and being supported as they progress through the years. Ultimately emerging from the system as young adults who have the capacity either to study further or to find employment. This is their right. It’s enshrined in the constitution.
Why soft skills play hard in the workplace
With the workplace constantly changing, and with almost every facet of industry and business having experienced rapid shifts in the last three years, the need for specific skillsets has changed accordingly. Soft skills are on the rise as a contributing factor for success in today’s post-pandemic world, because they lubricate change, amplify agility and strengthen resilience.
Growing digital skills for the future of work
Ever since the shift from stone to metal tools, the world has steadily been moving towards an increasingly digital age. However, the rate at which technological developments take place today is expanding exponentially and over the last two years digital adoption and transformation has been accelerated at a rapid pace.
How PPPs can level the education playing field post-COVID-19
It’s no secret that South Africa’s education system suffers from inequality and inefficiency. However, in such a young democracy, a certain degree of stumbling is to be expected. Unfortunately, even as we address past-era issues, the gap between privileged private-school education and that provided in peri-urban and rural areas is becoming undeniable and ever-widening, in no small part as a result of the complex COVID-19 environment.
A World of Career Opportunities at IU International University of Applied...
If you are looking to advance the career path of your choice with an international degree, then IU is the place for you. Whether you are seeking a new career, looking to become a leader or just want to improve your financial situation, IU International University of Applied Sciences (IU) can give you what you need for a successful career.