Tag: Nirvasha Singh
ESG – achieving net zero and the role of carbon tax
A reduction in carbon emissions is integral to South Africa's global commitment to achieve net zero. The South African government strategically introduced carbon tax to combat global warming by encouraging a low carbon economy.
Navigating the carbon tax laws
The Carbon Tax Act 15 of 2019 (Carbon Tax Act), the Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964 (Customs Act) and the Customs and Excise Amendment Act 13 of 2019 (Customs Amendment Act) pose numerous uncertainties on the road to implementation of carbon tax. We have mapped out below a pathway to assist taxpayers in navigating the complex statutes regulating carbon tax.
National Treasury seeks to empower low-income employees
National Treasury's proposal in the draft 2018 Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (2018 draft TLAB) to remove the taxable benefit concerning low or interest free loans granted to low-income employees for low-cost housing (the Proposed Amendment) was discussed on Day 2 of the recent National Treasury Workshop on the 2018 draft TLAB (Tax Workshop).