Tag: Nerine Kahn
South Africa is undergoing significant shifts, despite major risks
The top risk in South Africa is structurally high unemployment; followed by growing income disparity and inequality, according to the 2019 IRMSA Risk Report.
JUDGEMENT – Politics & Unions | is workplace disruption for political...
Following from the October/November 2018 cover story of BusinessBrief - Politics and Unions: Is workplace disruption for political gain criminal? and the footnote contained in the article, the Labour Court gave a detailed judgement on the issue.
Workplace mobbing mounting!
Mobbing is ‘bullying on steroids’, a horrifying new trend where a bully enlists co-workers to collude in a relentless campaign of psychological terror against a hapless target. (This is different to flash mobbing in a workplace which can be a form of a strike where employees do something collectively to draw attention to an issue).
POLITICS & UNIONS | Is workplace disruption for political gain criminal?
When political parties begin to take over the roles of Trade Unions, there is cause for great concern in the progress of South Africa’s new democracy. The EFF, long a disrupter in the South African political landscape, has recently turned to workplace disruption.
PODCAST | Insights into the CCMA
Nerine Kahn spent 10 years fixing the CCMA. What a decade of achievement! A superb interview conducted with a straight shooter. In 2006 Nerine Kahn moved from the Department of Labour to the CCMA leaving a LEGACY PAR EXCELLENCE in her wake when she left in 2016. Essential listening for insight into the CCMA.
Fathoming the National Minimum Wage (NMW)
What are the practicalities in implementation when trying to apply and decode the draft Bill? I have spent considerable time recently evaluating the practicalities of implementing the Bill on the NMW at numerous clients’ requests. I find it lacking clarity as there are no practical methods for calculating wages and it doesn’t adhere to ‘plain language principle’.
LABOUR BROKERS: Labour Appeal Court Supports Single Employer Interpretation
The uncertainty in relation to employees in Temporary Employment Services (TES) has taken another step towards clarity with a recent decision of the Labour...
Molefe vs Gordhan
The [fake] case of state protection failing employment justice?
Given how I have spent the last twenty or so years of my career, I tend at second blush when evaluating individuals in their careers to view them through an employment relations lens (and with those higher profile employees a bit of governance oversight thrown in).