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Tag: National Health Insurance (NHI)

Mandatory healthcare cover – proposal for a proven solution for South...

Mandatory health cover of formally employed is tried and tested and if put to use in South Africa could reduce the public health burden, increase public per capita spend on health, and free up resources that could help address the country’s most pressing health crises.

NHI – Reasons not to cancel your current medical health coverage

With the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill having been signed by the President, South Africans are more confused than ever before. While most have some level of understanding of what the NHI is, the vast majority are still not clear on what the bill entails.

The curious case of costing the NHI

While the President has signed the National Health Insurance (NHI) into law, the bean counters at National Treasury have yet to start looking for their excel sheets needed to ensure the NHI is fully costed. The first reason is due to the confusion of objective versus political ideology. The NHI has been touted as introducing “universal healthcare coverage” (UHC).

NHI Act – long road ahead of litigation likely

President Ramaphosa has promulgated the National Health Insurance (NHI) Act. The NHI, in its bill form, has been controversial since its introduction and has attracted significant critique from various stakeholders. It is therefore likely that the Act will be the subject of fierce litigation, sooner or later.

Amending the NHI – a complex process beyond government’s narrative

The recent statements by ANC parliamentary chief whip Pemmy Majodina regarding the National Health Insurance (NHI) bill's ‘amendability’ have highlighted a significant misunderstanding of the law making process. Majodina's assurance that the bill can be amended if necessary, simplifies a complex legislative and judicial process.

Budget 2024 avoids direct tax increases

Minister of Finance Enoch Godongwana delivered his Budget Speech 2024 to Parliament and the nation on 21 February 2024. A key announcement was that tax rates will not be increased in 2024/2025, as previously signalled by the Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) 2023, to generate the extra R15 billion needed in revenue.

Budget 2024 | SA Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana’s Speech

The 2024 Budget was tabled to Parliament on 21 February 2024 by South African Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana. Tax Pocket Guide Honourable Speaker, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula His Excellency,...

The rise of affordable medical insurance

With its two-tiered, highly unequal healthcare system, only 14.86% of South Africa’s population can currently afford private healthcare, and rising costs are making it difficult for many to keep paying their monthly medical aid premiums.

Only a blended healthcare system will enable a viable NHI

South Africa's healthcare system has experienced significant transformations over the years. One of the most pressing issues is the need for more resources and funding, which has resulted in limited access to healthcare services for South Africans.

BOOK REVIEW | Countdown to Socialism

The National Democratic Revolution (NDR) is the policy blueprint of the governing African National Congress (ANC)/South African Communist Party (SACP) alliance, who have been implementing it in different spheres for more than two decades.


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