Tag: misconduct
Bias of presiding officers must be proven
The law affords employees the following procedural rights before being dismissed for misconduct or poor performance:
Grounds of review of arbitration awards
The CCMA is tasked with resolving disputes between employers and employees through conciliation, mediation, and arbitration. However, there is a possibility that the commissioner could make a mistake during the process, which is why the grounds for reviewing a CCMA award are essential. This article will explore the grounds of review in the CCMA.
Collective misconduct and the burden of proof – lessons for employers
The Labour Appeal Court has ruled against an employer's reliance on collective misconduct for shrinkage in an unfair dismissal case, reinforcing the importance of evidence and the burden of proof placed on the employer. The concept of collective misconduct applies when employers address misconduct involving multiple employees.
A matter already judged cannot be judged again
In a recent judgment, the Labour Court has confirmed that instituting a claim for unlawful termination may follow an unsuccessful claim for unfair dismissal at the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA). However, the principle of Res Judicata still applies where litigants formulate such a claim on the grounds of fairness.
You can be fired for not reporting suspicious conduct of colleagues
The dismissal of an employee who failed to report the suspicious conduct of her colleague, in relation to missing monies, was found to be substantively fair. The failure of the employee to inform an employer of their business interests being improperly undermined, constitutes derivative misconduct for which dismissal may be afforded.
Delay discipline unnecessarily at your peril
The intolerability of the continuation of the employment relationship can be caused by misconduct other than dishonesty.
Double jeopardy costs employer 12 months’ remuneration
Double Jeopardy occurs where an employee is punished twice for the same incident of misconduct. Normally, such discipline would be found to be unfair.
JUDGEMENT | The role of incapacity in dismissals for misconduct
A recent judgement by the Labour Court addresses the role that incapacity can play when an employee is charged with misconduct, and whether an employer is required to exclude the possibility of incapacity in these circumstances.
BOOK REVIEW | Labour Law in Practice
Now in its second revised edition, Labour Law in Practice has sold over 10,000 copies and has helped numerous South African managers and business owners navigate their way safely through what sometimes seems to be an impenetrable maze of labour law and practice.
PODCAST | Arbitrators can be taken to task
An interview with Ivan Israelstam, Chief Executive, Labour Law Management Consulting, and Dr Ivor Blumenthal, CEO, ArkKonsult, discussing whether either party can take a CCMA arbitrator’s conduct on review to the Labour Court if they are able to prove that the arbitrator, in making their award, has materially broken a rule.