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Rental income insurance – protecting your assets and liabilities

Protecting assets that generate rental income is vital to ensure financial security and to avoid unexpected liabilities or losses. Renting out a room, apartment or even an entire home can be a great way to earn extra income.

Digital transformation in manufacturing a priority for growth

Following a challenging 2023, South Africa’s manufacturing sector must prioritise digital transformation, cost reduction and reskilling to drive growth. South Africa boasts a well-developed manufacturing sector. In 2023, the sector in its entirety provided more than 1.6 million jobs and accounted for 13.0% of South Africa’s gross domestic product (GDP).

Alternative risk financing solutions for insurance needs

We live in a volatile world where geopolitical risks, economic inflation, natural disasters and an increasingly complex regulatory environment are applying pressures on all fronts, including the insurance sector. Underwriting requirements are becoming stringent, and prospective clients are having to provide far more granular information about their portfolio of risks as well as risk mitigation measures, while reduced capacity and insurer appetite for certain classes of risks remains a real concern.

Built environment risk management – strategies for construction projects

In George, thirty-four people died when a partially completed five storey residential building collapsed. This event is tragic, and albeit the worst building disaster in South Africa, is by no means an isolated incident of professional incompetence.

BOOK REVIEW | Exit Wounds

When she turned ninety, my mother sprang a final surprise on us. She started speaking in the voice of a stranger. Peter’s mother is dying. Born in England and having spent most of her adult life as a doctor in Zimbabwe, she now lies on a hospital bed in the partitioned living room of his sister’s London apartment, her accent having overnight become posher than the Queen’s.

BOOK REVIEW | Waterboy

September is World Suicide Prevention Month, and World Suicide Prevention Day is on September 10. Glynis Horning is a well-known South African mental health journalist dealing with the reality of her son’s suicide. An estimated one in ten South Africans experience major depression at some point in their life. The book attempts to understand the realities of depression and suicide, removing some of the stigma surrounding suicide.

Trade & insolvencies – impact of macro-economic & geopolitical dynamics

With an economic growth forecast of only 1.6% over the next three years for South Africa, businesses are facing a tough trading environment, exacerbated by the impact of geopolitical tensions, disruptive new technologies, persistent weather catastrophe threats and failing public infrastructure and services.

Better risk management profiling through storytelling

In the intricate practice of risk management, a perplexing paradox unfolds where organisations engage in risk management practices that replicate their previous risk strategies, and still expect a different or improved outcome. Sometimes the cost of consequences is left to chance, perpetuating an 'ostrich effect' where it’s hoped that somehow cutting costs on essential risk management principles will yield viable savings.

When the going gets tough, it’s time to get going

Let’s not pretend! Times are tough! A flailing economy, escalating costs, load shedding, geopolitical tensions and elections coming up in 2024 - to name a few challenges. So how do we keep our heads down and our businesses afloat? Often, the same strategies that help achieve success during ‘easier’ years still largely apply – albeit with a heightened focus.

Harnessing the power of 360-degree retail technology

In the wake of the rapidly evolving digital landscape, retailers are continuously confronted with a myriad of software solutions. Implementing these systems often requires a considerable investment of resources, frequently resulting in a patchwork of fragmented systems and siloed operations.


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