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Tag: living costs

Responsible investing – ESG and sustainable portfolios

ESG investing is a term that is often used interchangeably with sustainable investing and socially responsible investing. It began in the 1960s with investors excluding stocks or entire industries from their portfolios based on business activities such as tobacco production or involvement in the South African apartheid regime.

STUDY | 1 in 5 employees are highly financially stressed

Financial stress. Lower productivity. Poorer profitability. It’s a slippery slope that South African employers have to manage. The inaugural 2022 State of Employee Wellbeing Barometer says the impact of financial stress on business profitability is a slippery slope that South African employers have to manage.

Common money saving mistakes and how to avoid them

With the cost of living increasingly expensive, it is important to know how and where to save money. In this way, you can get a handle on your finances and feel more in control. We all have different money management styles. Along the way can find ourselves making mistakes, which can cost us a lot and possibly set us back on our money saving quest.

Geoarbitrage: lower living costs and higher income

While the past year has had many challenges, a positive outcome is that we have embraced technology and had our eyes opened to the possibilities of working outside a traditional office environment. For many people, daily commutes and in-person meetings have been relegated to the past – and this is just the beginning of a new era that builds on technology in novel and unanticipated ways.


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