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Annual personal estate review – time for a spring clean?

It is that time of year again when you are swapping out your summer wardrobes for your festive season attire. You are having a long-overdue de-clutter and booking annual check-ups for the family. While you are at it, take the opportunity for your annual personal estate review to re-evaluate your estate documents and give the administrative side of your life a thorough spring-clean too!

A court’s take on the timely assessment of insurance claims

Policyholders and insurers alike should take note of a judgement recently handed down in the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Johannesburg. The case concerned a claim for specific performance in terms of a life insurance policy. The policyholder lodged a claim with his insurer through its authorised agent on or about 27 September 2017.

Customising client financial needs analysis

The economic landscape continues to present formidable obstacles for South Africans. With the prices of essential goods surging and wage growth stagnating, disposable income has dwindled forcing consumers to cut back on spending to focus on essential items.

Surge in cardiovascular deaths – implications for life insurance

Cardiovascular disease (CVD), encompassing heart disease and stroke, has been a major cause of death globally for a long time. It has affected individuals and their families and had far-reaching consequences for industries that provide financial security, such as life insurance.

Unlocking investment potential – A Mauritius case study

Mauritius has increasingly become a sought-after destination for African asset managers and international investors. This is primarily due to its diverse range of options and familiarity as a jurisdiction of choice for fund structures and investment vehicles, particularly those which permit the segregation of assets and liabilities, such as protected cell companies (PCCs) and variable capital companies (VCCs).

Rise in unnatural death insurance claims – how do these claims...

There have been reports regarding the rise of non-indemnity claims stemming from unnatural deaths. This is certainly worrying for life insurers. This is particularly concerning because life insurers have had to entertain several claims in the past couple of years due to COVID-19 related deaths, and subsequently, the July 2021 unrest and the 2022 Durban floods.

Understanding and overcoming repudiation in employee benefits

Having a financial safety net in place through employee benefits can provide some much-needed reassurance that you and your family are protected if the worst happens. But, did you know there’s more to consider when looking into employee benefit plans other than what is offered?

Paying taxes to unlock financial freedom

Nobody enjoys paying tax, but since it’s our legal obligation, we may as well make the most of it by legitimately saving where we can. Because tax savings - even if fractional - compounded over prolonged periods of time can contribute significantly to any person’s financial position.

The importance of accelerated underwriting

The adoption of accelerated, or automated underwriting, which uses advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to evaluate risk and underwrite life insurance, has been limited to date. This can partly be attributed to insurers cautiously rolling out automated decision-making, opting instead for small-scale improvements to risk frameworks.

Growing the long-term insurance industry in times of economic downturn

The insurance landscape is one of ever-changing complexity. The regulatory environment is shifting, consumer expectations are changing, while fast-developing technologies require business models to become more refined to enable innovation, improve risk management and deliver greater value to clients.


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