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Tag: life annuity

Navigate retirement with confidence

Imagine you’re on a highway with guardrails providing a safety barrier that keeps you from going off course. These guardrails guide you safely to your destination. However, when you reach retirement, the guardrails come off, leaving you uncertain. Which direction should you take to ensure the rest of your journey is safe?

Best opportunity to buy a life annuity this decade

Current market conditions allow pensioners to secure 30% higher income that is guaranteed for life, than they could at the start of this decade. This is a window of opportunity for pensioners to lock in certainty of income for life, against an increasingly uncertain and volatile future.

Saving for retirement – the emotional toll of choice

The start of every new year brings many aspects of our lives into focus, including health, wealth, work, family and emotional wellbeing. It’s a good time to re-evaluate your quality of life and question the changes you need to make in order to improve it.

Annuity choices in retirement

As you approach retirement, one needs to decide the age you would like to retire at. More importantly, whether you can in fact retire with the available funds you have and if the income you will receive will sustain you for the rest of your life.


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