Tag: legal action
Insurance disputes and appraisals
Insurance disputes and appraisals often arise when determining the value of damaged or destroyed property under policy limits. Disputes often arise between insurers and policyholders regarding the value of insured property. Some of these disputes are resolved with little difficulty, as the value can be relatively easily established.
Understanding prescription in medical malpractice claims
Prescription refers to the extinguishment of a legal claim or the loss of a right to take legal action due to the passage of time. The purpose behind prescription is to promote legal certainty, avoid stale claims, and provide a fair and just resolution to disputes.
Rent seeking – what does it profit a people?
Some societies are better able than others to withstand adverse weather events such as droughts and storms, and even earthquakes, with fewer deaths and less economic and social disruption. Such societies also seem to have less crime, greater social cohesion, and greater economic optimism.
How to protect your invention and enforce your IP rights
There are many legal solutions for enforcing your Intellectual Property (IP) rights once you have created an invention.
Latest COVID-19 wave means doctors need protection more than ever
South Africa’s third wave of COVID-19 saw healthcare professionals put in tragic circumstances where they must, in some cases, choose which patients to try and save. Effectively who lives and who dies. For healthcare professionals forced to make unenviable decisions about how to allocate clinical resourcing, this trauma is sadly compounded by the potential risk of being prosecuted for unlawful killing after being forced to make such decisions.
Why are there no recorded claims against COVID-19 related medical negligence?
During the first wave of infections in South Africa, there were several allegations of negligence in various institutions leading to 'mass infections' – for example, amongst others, the Saint Augustine Private Hospital incident in KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.
Kidnapping risks for execs and minors on the rise
Recently released statistics has revealed a sharp upsurge in kidnappings in South Africa. This comes while news of the rescue of high-profile kidnapping victim, Sandra Moonsamy, is still fresh in South Africa’s collective memory. Official police statistics show that kidnapping cases have increased by 139 percent over the past decade, with opportunistic abductions accounting for the greatest number of incidents.