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Redefining learnerships for the fourth industrial revolution

Emerging technologies must be integrated into learnerships to equip our youth for the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR). Equipping our youth with tech-based skills is non-negotiable, and educators must integrate the emerging 4IR technologies into their training programmes. This is the only way that we can prepare our future workforce and ensure that businesses can access the skills they require for global relevance.

Hosted learnerships connect funding to job creation & growth

Skills development in the form of learnerships is an essential element of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) scorecard, accounting for a significant portion of the score for large enterprises in particular. However, not all businesses have the capacity, availability, or ability to take on sufficient learners to meet their obligations.

Transforming youth employability through innovation

As South Africa continues to grapple with its massive youth (15-34 years) unemployment rate of 4.7 million individuals (Q4 2023), there is a critical need for innovative approaches to skills development and employability. I view learnerships as an excellent platform for creative training methodologies thereby, paving the way for a more agile and adaptable workforce.

Navigating the transition from the NQF to OQSF framework

South Africa is at a crossroads of a significant educational and vocational transition as it shifts from the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) to the Occupational Qualifications Sub Framework (OQSF) managed by the Quality Council for trades and Occupations (QCTO).

The best B-BBEE scorecard points sit inside skills development

For most South African businesses, the skills development component of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) scorecard is one of the most challenging and costly elements to deliver on. However, by strategically combining employed and unemployed learnerships, businesses can secure the most points for the least money spent, while achieving the best return on their training and skills development investment.

Make a company’s training pay for itself

Strategic business planning in South Africa needs a forward-thinking approach so when it comes to cultivating a skilled workforce, there is one action that repeatedly delivers - the inclusion of learnerships into Workplace Skills Programmes (WSP) and Annual Training Reports (ATR).

Why the education sector is in dire need of more women...

Gender inequality is still rampant throughout society and in the workplace, it can take on many forms -  disparity in promotions, unequal pay and less leadership roles. While this is often the case in big corporations and civil society, we should also be turning a lens towards the education sector, where gender inequality is even more pronounced.

Addressing healthcare inequities for persons with disabilities

The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that one in six people globally experience a significant disability. Worryingly, many of these individuals continue to suffer unmet health needs – especially those living in developing countries such as South Africa, and particularly in impoverished and rural areas.

Leveraging learnerships for lasting impact

Companies sponsoring learnerships are looking beyond profit towards a better future. Business success is not only about profit margins and market share - it is also about positively impacting society and contributing to the growth of future leaders.

Is South Africa fighting a skills shortage or a jobs shortage?

A recent roundtable discussion we co-hosted with Microsoft sparked a debate whether SA’s unemployment challenges are truly about job availability rather than a mismatch in skills demand and supply.


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