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Tag: King Price Insurance

Rental income insurance – protecting your assets and liabilities

Protecting assets that generate rental income is vital to ensure financial security and to avoid unexpected liabilities or losses. Renting out a room, apartment or even an entire home can be a great way to earn extra income.

How tyres can affect an insurance claim

Your tyres are possibly the most underrated and overlooked piece of technology in your car. Yet, they’re critically important for your safety. And, while we all know that our tyres must have sufficient tread to be roadworthy, not everyone knows that having threadbare or unroadworthy tyres could lead to an insurance claim for an accident being rejected.

Sectional title schemes – maintenance remains a thorny issue

Ask any sectional title body corporate what keeps them awake at night, and the recurring issue of maintenance – and who’s responsible for it – is most likely the answer. The solutions are often far from straightforward. According to the Sectional Titles Act, the body corporate is responsible for the maintenance of the sectional title’s common property, which includes the outside of buildings, roofs, common gardens and parking bays, driveways, security systems, and shared amenities.


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