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The future of workforce mobility – human, hybrid and flexible

Today’s workforce has come to expect streamlined processes, flexibility, and digital connectivity from wherever they may work (whether in the office or remotely) in order to facilitate productivity. Throughout the pandemic, it was this ability to work remotely that broke social distancing boundaries and enabled new levels of productivity to be achieved, despite teams becoming more globally distributed.

BOOK REVIEW | Lead with Super Clarity

These are difficult times. The COVID-19 pandemic has proved to us that we cannot rely on tomorrow to be like today; there is no such thing as ‘business as usual’. The social and economic upheaval has been devastating, and its effects long-lasting, making these times even more uncertain. The antidote to this uncertainty is clarity.

The Great Reengagement – how to retain top talent

In 2021 alone, The Great Resignation saw 47 percent of high-performing employees leave companies to join another - for better perks, for greater resonance with their values or for more flexible, remote working - or to seek the fertile, fast-growing pastures of digital nomadism. And in terms of those who stayed?

REPORT | Working women suffer burnout and harassment

Widespread burnout and lack of flexible work continues to hinder progress in supporting working women, according to the our latest report, Women @ Work 2022: A Global Outlook released this month. The research reveals that 53% of women globally say their stress levels are higher than they were a year ago, and almost half feel burned out.

The Great Resignation and how it is reshaping employee relations

Media publications around the world are buzzing with anecdotal evidence of what has been called The Great Resignation – the COVID-19 lockdown-driven reassessment by individuals of the meaning of work in their lives. 2022 is shaping up to be a year of reckoning where employees and organisations both determine what is important for them and how they can continue to work together.

SURVEY | 81.5% of South Africans want to quit their jobs

A survey of 200 skilled professionals with degrees and solid work experience found that many would be willing to go independent soon if they had an initial contract to help them find their feet. Skilled professionals forced to work from home since the COVID-19 lockdown are finding themselves reluctant to return to the rigid corporate world.

A millennial’s view of the working world

There is a lot of research about the varied needs and world views of different generations. In this article, as a working millennial, I discuss how work looks through my eyes and what has changed in comparison to how my parents did it.

Can we really optimise a space for productivity?

In an efficiency-obsessed world, productivity and optimisation is the currency that professionals seem to live and die by. We’re constantly seeking ways to more effectively utilise our time, manage our projects, 'use' our downtime, and upskill for an advantage over our colleagues in the next virtual cubicle. 

Tips for starting a business after retrenchment

Retrenchment is a word that can strike fear into the hearts of even the most seasoned veterans of the corporate world. In fact, the longer you’ve been with a company, the more daunting retrenchment can seem. Will you ever be able to find another job as good as, or better than, this one? Will you end up in a job you hate, through no fault of your own? And during a global pandemic and economic downturn, prospects look even bleaker.

Coping during a crisis: boosting morale in times of uncertainty

The only certainty in life is that there will be uncertainty - having a clear plan on how to keep employees engaged and connected can help mitigate these times. Most businesses are no strangers to challenges. However, the current global crisis has created several new challenges for businesses and employees alike. Among these new difficulties that need to be dealt with are persistent pressures that erode morale over time.


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