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Tag: job market

Job title inflation surging

The phenomenon of job-title inflation has gained traction in South Africa, driven both by young professional’s ambition for accelerated career progression and employers' efforts to engage staff while managing costs. This trend has led to an increase in roles with prestigious titles, such as 'Lead', 'Vice President', or 'Manager', being offered to individuals with limited experience, skills, or corresponding salaries.

Politics and power – focus on South African trade unions COSATU,...

Gargantuan and tyrannical unions like the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU), and National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) have leveraged their power, numbers, money, and capacity to threaten violence, and in so doing hold the economy hostage.

Bridging disparities – government must prioritise AI in education

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been comprehensively embraced in the private sector in South Africa in less than a year, but more must be done to ensure that the public sector – and especially students in public schools and universities – are also empowered and prepared for the future world of work.

Minimum wage turns job seekers into potential criminals

Raising the minimum wage may seem like a way to help alleviate the plight of working South Africans, but all it really accomplishes is pricing more and more people out of the job market.

The changing workplace – why job descriptions are falling behind

Is it time to say goodbye to the good old job specs? In the midst of rapid change and innovation, the concept of rigid job descriptions is fading fast. Modern workplaces are evolving, and it's clear that the traditional way of defining jobs simply doesn't cut it anymore.

Megatrends impacting the future of retirement plans

Retirement planning has always been a crucial aspect of financial security for individuals and societies alike. However, in the face of rapid technological advancements, changing demographics, and evolving economic landscapes, retirement planning is undergoing a transformation.

Resume gap? How to confidently answer the feared question

In the dynamic world of job interviews, there is one question that often sends a chill down the spine of job seekers - "What were you doing during this gap in your resume?" This seemingly innocent question can trigger fear, doubt, and discomfort in the minds of job seekers.

Could ChatGPT be the learning transformation catalyst?

ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence (AI) language model, is forcing a significant paradigm shift in the education sector, as educators at all levels, but particularly in tertiary institutions, grapple with the implications, the technology that has so much potential to do good, but also raises concerns about its impact on the validity of traditional student outputs like essays and tests.

AI should prompt IT professionals to upskill

The emergence of next-generation artificial intelligence (AI) should not be seen as a direct threat to IT professionals, but rather as an opportunity to upskill and master the new technology.

Back to class educational trends

The world has largely opened up again after COVID-19. Now it’s time to roll up our sleeves and get down to the business of educating South Africa’s children. And while technology is going to play an important role in helping us overcome the backlogs caused by the pandemic, it’s not a silver bullet that will miraculously transform our education system.


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