Tag: Jeanette Marais
Protecting the biggest investment you are likely to make in your...
Are you thinking of buying property? It is a big investment and needs careful consideration. Once the finance is approved on your dream home, you need to be able to keep it safe along with the belongings housed within it as well.
More investment needed for women entrepreneurs
About seven years ago, the United Nations introduced the concept of gender-aware economics and transformative financing. The idea is that funds and other investment vehicles become aware of what they are investing in, taking the time to consider different assets and businesses with a focus on financing women entrepreneurs.
Robo-advice and human ingenuity – the future of financial advice is...
The recent announcement that heavyweight Wall Street bank, JP Morgan Chase has agreed to buy UK Robo-Adviser, Nutmeg, indicates the far-reaching effects of COVID-19 on the financial advice and wealth management industry as big business embraces this new model.
SARS isn’t the only one that can tax you – take...
In his previous budget speech, Minister Mboweni mentioned a host of different taxes that the revenue man would soon be collecting from us. From personal income tax, to fuel taxes, corporate and carbon taxes – the list was long. But one tax he didn’t mention – and to his credit it is not an official tax (but I would argue it should be) – is behaviour tax.
Victims of GBV – it’s time to take back your financial...
As the world battles COVID-19, a certain number of women in South Africa are fighting what the United Nations terms the shadow pandemic: endemic gender-based violence (GBV). The government GBV and Femicide Command Centre alone recorded more than 120,000 victims in the first three weeks of lockdown last year.
Focusing on the legacy you want to leave
We live in a society of instant gratification. Google and Uber have become verbs – showing how accessible it has become to find information instantaneously and get a taxi to your doorstep in minutes. Click for takeaway food. Download a movie. Shop online. We post or tweet and are instantly heard by hundreds or even thousands of people.