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Tag: intellectual capital

Introducing the knowledge economy

By now, decision-makers have realised the importance of data in driving businesses towards a digitally-based future. It is therefore surprising that the concept of the knowledge economy has largely been ignored. And yet, this will be the foundation on which modern organisations will be built.

Promoting entrepreneurship in the family with a family bank

It is a key objective for many wealthy families and those who own businesses to leave a legacy while encouraging entrepreneurial spirit, underpinned by the family’s core values. There are various challenges families face when transferring family offices from one generation to the next, but there are also opportunities that can protect the family’s legacy while enabling individuals to forge their own paths.

Rethinking people processes for a changing workforce

The South African workforce is growing. The number of public university graduates continues to climb, with Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) reporting that 203,078 South Africans graduated in 2016, up from 165,995 in 2012. And with this year’s graduation ceremony season just passed, a fresh crop of young professionals is hungry to make their mark in the workplace.


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