Tag: human resources
Onboarding vs Induction – key differences in employee integration
In the fast-paced realm of people management, "induction" and "onboarding" are frequently used interchangeably, yet each bears unique significance in shaping the employee experience (EX). First impressions leave a lasting impact. Employers have an average of 44 days to “make or break” a new joiner, according to a survey released by cloud-based human resources platform BambooHR.
Essential strategies for building resilience and profitability
Starting a new business is an exhilarating venture, filled with both opportunities and challenges. However, the path to success requires more than just a great idea - it demands a strategic approach, careful planning, and the ability to adapt to evolving market conditions.
How businesses can do more with less using automation, AI &...
A report published by market research specialist In On Africa in August last year presented some interesting insights about artificial intelligence (AI) adoption in South Africa. In a survey of more than 3,000 South Africans working across various industries, 59% stated that they knew about ChatGPT but only 38% had used it previously.
Social media & job-hunting – the good, the bad & the...
When it comes to job hunting, social media can be a double-edged sword. For young people who have graduated or who are looking for employment, there’s no doubt that having an online presence is important; some might even say critical. Not only can social media be a valuable tool in helping you discover career opportunities, it can “also assist in your own personal and professional brand-building.”
Reasons why digitisation is vital to ensure resilient supply chains
For any business involved in local or global trade, a robust supply chain is key to sustainable success. The simple reality is that trade disruptions come in many forms, from natural disasters and geopolitical crises, to trade conflicts and even pandemics; and in all these scenarios, a strong supply chain is required to keep a business running, avoid losses, and retain its edge over the competition.
Progress Party is running for 2024 on a ticket of guaranteed...
“Supporting an unemployed person with a public works job far outweighs its cost” according to ex-deputy director-general of National Treasury, Andrew Donaldson. Experts with a deep understanding of economics, our country and its policy history, from Andrew Donaldson to Kate Philip, the lead on the Presidential Employment Stimulus, are calling for an expansion of socially and economically productive public works programmes.
Take your culture to the cloud, not just your data centre
When you think of the cloud, don’t simply think of it as a technology concept. It’s much more than that. The cloud is an innovative business model that has rapidly reshaped our ways of working - and continues to do so. It’s a whole new way of buying and using IT infrastructure, platforms and applications that enables us to become faster, more flexible and efficient than we could be when we needed to own all of our hardware and software.
Why change management matters in evolving workspaces
Our workplaces are changing rapidly, with organisations redesigning their spaces to be more flexible and hospitable, moving to accommodate hybrid work practices, or simply relocating to downsize. While the reasons for moving are clear, there is often an inconsistent understanding and implementation of change management, which can result in overwhelmed employees, reduced productivity, and the loss of valuable talent.
A checklist for SA fintech companies preparing to take wing
A growing number of South African fintech companies have developed market-ready products and are considering how to expand beyond the relatively small domestic arena. In doing so, they face a list of new issues. These include how to raise funds for growth, how bringing in international funding will affect their local Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) status, and how they will be affected by changing regulations in the pipeline.
Retrenchment – the duty to consult
Before making any decision to retrench employers are required to first consult with the union or affected employees on a number of issues, the most important of which is any means of avoiding job losses.