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Cryptocurrency exchange control regulations

Cryptocurrency traders in South Africa are focused on understanding the tax implications of their transactions. These transactions are relative to the Income Tax Act. This has been challenging, as SARS has only stated that "the normal rules apply." They have not provided authoritative guidance on cryptocurrency-related transactions or when profits are considered capital or income.

Crypto assets & the SARB Financial Surveillance Department

For most people, one of the most fascinating aspects of cryptocurrency is the ability to bypass traditional financial intermediaries, such as banks, and directly control their funds. But what many people may not know is that cross-border crypto asset transactions require prior exchange control permission.

Challenges of online forex trading for South Africans due to bank...

Unless you have a peculiar fondness for queues, chances are you prefer doing as many day-to-day tasks that fall under the “life admin” category as possible online. Whether it’s grocery shopping, renewing your car license disc, or paying your rates bill, most of us prefer doing them from the comfort of our desks or homes. It’s faster, more convenient, and saves a lot of hassle. 

Major banks analysis – solid foundations, challenging conditions

South Africa’s major banks registered resilient growth against difficult operating conditions and a complex macroeconomic environment. Combined headline earnings growth of 13.8% against FY22 to R113.2 billion, combined ROE of 17.6% (FY22: 17.1%), net interest margin of 458 bps (FY22: 430 bps), credit loss ratio of 102 bps (FY22: 82 bps), cost-to-income ratio of 52.2% (FY22: 53%), common equity tier ratio of 13.2% (FY22: 13.5%).

Are TFSA’s a waste of time?

South Africans should understand that if they have substantial sums of money deposited in either a bank or investment account, they will inevitably be required to pay taxes on the income or capital growth derived from it.

Digital treasuries – is it too early for Africa?

There are many challenges for treasuries across the world, in any market, but the developing world has an opportunity for a head start in the switch to digital. This is borne out by the fact that the adoption of best practice treasury management tools, technology and integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems that feed off data points all along the ERP value chain, are entirely within the grasp of corporate treasuries.

Protecting businesses from exchange rate turbulence

The South African Rand (ZAR) is experiencing another tumultuous period. Following a robust rally last Tuesday, the Rand’s fortunes have taken a hit, with its earlier gains yielding to a more cautious market sentiment. Factors contributing to this turbulence include geo-political concerns in the Middle East, particularly Israel’s preparation for a potential offensive in Gaza, which has raised fears of energy supply disruptions and global economic repercussions.

Regulation 28 and the paradox of choice

In February 2022, Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana amended the maximum offshore investment limit for Regulation 28 retirement funds from 30% of assets to 45%. But data shows that most funds haven’t maximised their exposure to the new limit, begging the question: why?

Draft Tax Law Amendments – what you need to know

On 31 July 2023, National Treasury released their annual draft tax law amendments, for public comment. Although still at the draft stage, there are some pertinent proposed changes for which the supporting systems have already been implemented i.e., the “Beneficial Ownership Registers”.

Paying taxes to unlock financial freedom

Nobody enjoys paying tax, but since it’s our legal obligation, we may as well make the most of it by legitimately saving where we can. Because tax savings - even if fractional - compounded over prolonged periods of time can contribute significantly to any person’s financial position.


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