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Workplace harassment and management – navigating the fine line

Employers and managers have the prerogative to set workplace rules and standards, including performance standards. Oftentimes, managers come across as being harsh, bullish, dismissive, or overly critical when attempting to enforce certain workplace standards.

Managing emerging technologies in auditing

While many audit tools and methods have evolved over time, the practice of audit has been in existence for years. But how do we as auditors stay ahead of the curve of emerging technologies? As audit professionals we often find ourselves facing unique challenges ranging from misalignment with auditees to insufficient identification of changing risk areas with technology advances and keeping pace with emerging technologies while ensuring the integrity of financial information.

Trademark non-use vulnerability – “Big Mac” loses in EU!

A registered trademark is vulnerable to revocation or cancellation for non-use if it has not been used for the goods and/or services for which it is registered for a certain amount of time. In most instances this time period is five years and is calculated from the date of registration, as in South Africa and the European Union.

Navigating the complexities of claims and procedure

In a recent case of MM obo GM v the North West Province's Department of Health MEC, (782/2022) [2024] ZASCA 52, an appellant's claim for certain damages was struck from the roll by the Supreme Court of Appeal and her claim for personal damages was remitted to the trial court for determination.

BOOK REVIEW | The Gathering

A detective investigating a grisly crime in rural Alaska finds herself caught up in the dark secrets and superstitions of a small town in this riveting novel from the acclaimed author of The Chalk Man. In a small Alaskan town, a boy is found with his throat ripped out and the blood drained from his body. The brutality of the murder of chillingly echoes a killing from twenty-five years ago.

Deepfakes & legal evidence – how will the quest for authenticity...

In a 1745 English judgment Lord Hardwicke stated, “The judges and sages of the law have laid it down that there is but one...

BusinessBrief April/May 2024 edition is now available!

Read our exclusive cover story titled Deepfakes & legal evidence – how will the quest for authenticity be navigated? by Patrick Bracher, Director, and...

Building whistle blower confidence to enhance OHS

The processes for reporting dangerous workplaces can significantly differ from one organisation to another. Notably, there seems to be a lack of consideration for an anonymous reporting mechanism, leaving individuals raising concerns vulnerable to potential identification by others within the organisation who may take issue with the report.

Navigating the tide of CCMA changes

In the ever-changing South African labour market, the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation, and Arbitration (CCMA) has adopted digital transformation to improve accessibility and efficiency. The introduction of an online portal streamlines CCMA referrals, accommodating modern communication demands.

Tenant eviction – what are your rights as landlord?

For most landlords, tenant evictions are a last resort, due to the substantial expense, lengthy time and emotionally taxing nature of this complex process. However, with the Q2 2023 PayProp Rental Index revealing that the number of tenants in arrears has risen to an alarming 18.4% - the highest figure recorded since 2021 - many have found themselves with no choice but to seek legal recourse.


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