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Tag: estate planning

How trusts can improve estate planning

Trusts are well known as tools for estate planning but often misunderstood in terms of their role and usefulness in preserving wealth for family and heirs.

Estate planning guidance

Estate planning doesn’t need to be overly complicated, yet there are common mistakes people make that can have devastating outcomes for those left behind. A misunderstanding with wording in your will can result in the opposite of what was intended.

Death and marriage go together like a horse and carriage…

For most people the words 'death' and 'marriage' do not belong together in the same conversation. The last thing on people’s minds when they get married and enter into an ante-nuptial contract is death – the focus is usually around possible divorce. Likewise, when planning the affairs around our demise, very few of us would be thinking about marriage.

FEATURE | Your Wealth

Protecting and growing wealth is critical in the current local and global economic and political climates, in order to take care of yourself and your family. For investors to accumulate wealth, a target, strategy and implementation plan is required.


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